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發表於 2016-5-23 22:18:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
  With strong features cast in burnished gold, Tutankhamun’s burial mask projects an image of majestic beauty and royal power。

  Now scientists believe he may have died of an inherited illness because only one of the breaks occurred before he died,喜鴻, while his club foot would have made chariot racing impossible。

  ‘There is only one site where we can say a fracture happened before he died and that is the knee.’
  A ‘virtual autopsy’, composed of more than 2,000 computer scans, was carried out in tandem with a genetic analysis of Tutankhamun’s family, which supports evidence that his parents were brother and sister。

  英國倫敦帝國壆院外科講師胡坦·阿什拉費恩(Hutan Ashrafian)解釋,圖坦卡蒙傢族多位成員似乎都患有荷尒蒙失衡症,他說:“這個傢族的許多其他前輩都活到很大年齡,只有他(圖坦卡蒙)那一係早死,並且一代比一代壽命短。”
  But in the flesh, King Tut had buck teeth, a club foot and girlish hips, according to the most detailed examination ever of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh’s remains。
  He found that Tut was born after his father Akhenaten – dubbed the heretic king – had a relationship with his sister,自體脂肪隆乳. Incest was not frowned upon by the ancient Egyptians and they did not know about the health implications for any offspring。

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  Hutan Ashrafian, a lecturer in surgery at Imperial College London,瘦小腿, said that several members of the family appeared to have suffered from ailments which can be explained by hormonal imbalances. He said: ‘A lot of his family predecessors lived to a ripe old age. Only his immediate line were dying early, and they were dying earlier each generation.’
  And rather than being a boy king with a love of chariot racing, Tut relied on walking sticks to get around during his rule in the 14th century BC, researchers said。

  The revelations are made in BBC One documentary Tutankhamun: The Truth Uncovered, which airs next Sunday。
  Egyptian radiologist Ashraf Selim: ‘The virtual autopsy shows the toes are divergent – in layman’s terms it’s club foot. He would have been heavily limping。
  Various myths suggest he was murdered or was involved in a chariot crash after fractures were found in his skull and other parts of his skeleton,拉皮手術
  Evidence of King Tut’s physical limitations were also backed up by 130 used walking canes found in his tomb。


  Albert Zink, from the Institute for Mummies and the Iceman in Italy, deciphered the truth about the ruler’s parents by studying the royal family’s DNA。
  The scientists believe that this left him with physical impairments triggered by hormonal imbalances. And his family history could also have led to his premature death in his late teens。

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